Does the end of the world always take this long?
— patrickswayze’spatrickgravy (@SamGrittner) August 15, 2019
[the year is 2020]
“Welcome to McBurgerFoxWalmart, to receive your daily ration, insert one poor into the grinding machine. If you are able to read, the laser dogs are already coming for you. Obey the Supreme leader or we will burn your family. To add fries, give us your eyes.”— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) December 16, 2017
5 days left in 2016. Still plenty of time for: animal rebellion, nuclear war, zombie apocalypse, exploding babies, new Smash Mouth single.
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) December 26, 2016
I Survived 2016 And All I Got Was This Stupid President
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) December 18, 2016
I believe Hillary will win but just in case I practice the Mockingjay whistle for at least two hours every day.
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) October 17, 2016