Your band name is the word "the" followed by your last Google search. My band is, 'The Has Anyone Made Band Names On Twitter Using Google'
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) July 5, 2015
- Redundant Echo and the Civilized Spoons
- Cheesecake Factory
- Dick Patrol
- The Loners
- The Bachelors
- Monkey See, Monkey Don’t
- The Incredible Fucks
- Monday But Not
- Frozen Pizza and the Oven Mitts
- Jeb and his Car Keys
- Sturflakkkarnardarhhardgggs
- Elton John Mellencamp Lo
- The Googles
- The Bings
- The Gouts
- The Tinkles
- The Sprinkles
- My Chemical Weapon Romance
- Aerosmith and Wesson
- Dad’s Gotta Learn How to Cook
- Sweet Jesus There’s a Goat In Our Attic and the Machine
- Stern Looks and Jaded Mustaches
- Oh Shit and the Not Agains
- Yes That’s Blood on My Resume
- The Insane Rodeo Clown Posse
- 3000 Icicles
- We Tried All the Jewish Holidays
- Waiter Why Are You Crying Into My Aioli?
- Clifford The Big Red God
- Youra Angelo