Anybody want to '96 tonight? That's where you listen to 'Wonderwall' and pretend like you have an economic future.
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) July 13, 2018
If you had told me on the day Trump was elected that not even two years into his Presidency he’d be embroiled in a sex scandal with a porn star who knows how to outmaneuver him I would’ve looked you square in the eyes and said, “That sounds about right.”
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) March 25, 2018
New Curriculum For Public Schools:
• How to make a budget
• Why @-ing is always a bad idea
• Cooking nutritious meals at home
• The nuances of sex and consent
• The etiquette of eating ass
• Skimming an article isn’t reading it
• Don’t put that in your mouth it’s poison— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) January 18, 2018
Never say the phrase "sexual conquest," unless you rode upon a mighty steed and thusly slayed a dragon before a Princess granted consent.
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) October 11, 2016
Donald Trump's favorite sex position is reverse-racism.
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) August 21, 2016
No matter who wins tomorrow remember one thing: Donald Trump wants to fuck his daughter.
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) April 18, 2016