Bernie had a heart attack because he’s legitimately outraged at our broken system. Any other candidate that hasn’t at least had a stroke clearly doesn’t give a shit about you or me.
— patrickswayze’spatrickgravy (@SamGrittner) October 16, 2019
who me? well, since you asked, my plan is to work 7 days a week so I can rent a room I will never own and owe banks thousands of dollars until I get shot to death at a mall or a club or a garlic festival UNLESS I get really lucky and the oceans rise so fast that I drown first
— patrickswayze’spatrickgravy (@SamGrittner) September 4, 2019
CAPITALISM: All you have to do is work every day at a job you hate the rest of your life so you can scrape by until you die
ME: Will it make me happy?
CAPITALISM: No but you get to buy a bunch of shiny things you don’t really need
ME: Will those make me happy?
CAPITALISM: Also no— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) July 24, 2018
The rich
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) July 6, 2018
Still trying to figure out what to get America for its birthday… what do you get for the country that has everything but only shares it with 300 or so of its people?
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) July 4, 2018